Friday, May 23, 2008


It's been a really interesting week this week. Between the Chelsea game, with the following riot and the Jim James concert, things have been great. I actually saw all this art yesterday, but saw Jim James so decided Jim came before this post heh. We went to the East End, yes where Jack the Ripper did almost all of his killings. It was kind of run down or...well being in Chelsea the day before, which was super loaded then coming to the grafitti filled streets was quite a jump. The first thing we saw on the street were class was, was a taxi repair shop. Needless to say they don't put those right next to Buckingham Palace if you know what I mean. I wish I would have taken a picture of the street. It looked like a rather boring street, but upon meeting art art prof, there were 15 galleries hidden in this short little street. The whole street used to be manufacturing warehouses, but slowly artists came in and bought the space to work in and eventually galleries came in everywhere. We saw a few of them, some were cool, some were odd, and some were incredibly sad....

The cool thing about this was that it actually worked. There's a pickup at the bottom if you can't see it and that really goes to the amp. hitting the strings would cause a loop of continuous feedback, eventually swelling to ear piercingly loud.

heh I liked it.

Well Hello!

This was just my camera through a letter on a piece of glass. e to be exact.

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